Walk & Talk Coaching Sessions

 Experience a unique coaching session while walking through Colorado's Rocky Mountains and front range. What happens when you free yourself from the distractions and hustle and bustle of  your everyday life and connect instead to the beauty and rhythms of the natural world? Your mind will open and create a space to connect with and hear your truest and most authentic self.  We use the hiking to support you - walking metaphorically represents getting unstuck; you can set down and leave behind whatever you don't want to carry any longer.  We'll physically act that out. I will help you notice interesting synchronicities and messages that nature is offering in response to your questions.  Leave with more clarity, inspiration, freedom and peace. 


One Woman's Experience:

Coaching sessions with Kathy are like coming home to a safe and cozy environment. She’s able to connect with me where I’m at in the moment, holding space without judgment and helping me see a greater purpose in my life’s work. Getting out into nature for our hiking session took this a step further. As we hiked and talked, she carefully observed the flow of our discussion and intuitively knew when to inquire more deeply on a topic or when to pause and allow the silence and stillness of nature to be the guide. Whether it was intentional or not, it seemed like as we made our way to scenic viewpoints, there was usually a message to be found at each of these locations. Intuitive guiding! It all came together at the right times. And it all felt effortless. I truly appreciate Kathy’s support in my growth. It feels wonderful to stretch out into new horizons!
— Melissa, Denver, CO

Boulder, CO


Another Woman's Experience:


Longmont, CO


The hiking coaching session with Kathy was such a unique and rich experience. I found that the movement side by side provided a slightly different space for the work of life coaching. It was incredible how nature wove in and out of the biggest “aha’s” and messages of the session and reinforced through visual and audible signs what was most important to take away from the session. Some deeper and somewhat painful things came up during this session, and the ability to move through it while on a hiking trail in nature, was a totally different and amazing experience than working on Skype or in an office. There was even a point where Kathy slowed and allowed me to have some space and walk and breathe through that moment. It cleared quickly and I felt a renewed energy around what we were talking about. I would do a hiking session again in a heartbeat and would recommend it to others. Everything seems to intertwine so beautifully in that session, which truly amplifies the experience.
— Tiffany, Longmont, CO